Friday 19 February 2016

The Standards of Patriotism in the prism of Comrades and Congressmen

Congress men and communists of all hues are giving statements that they need no lessons on patriotism as though they represent the epitome of patriotism. The following is proof of their patriotism.
  1.  We have lost one third of Kashmir because of which lakhs of our youth have lost their life in defending difficult borders.
  2. We supported acquisition of Tibet by china which enabled china to question the correctness of MacMohan line as the border between Tibet and china.
  3. We have lost thousands of sq. km of our land in Leh and Ladakh because of annexation of Tibet by china and our military unpreparedness.
  4. We took too much time in testing nuclear weapons because of which we lost a chance of entering the exclusive nuclear club which would have enabled us to escape the provisions of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
  5.  We conceded a portion of Ran of Kutch in the borders of GUJARAT after the war in 1965.
  6.  We transferred KACHATIVU ISLAND to Sri Lanka in 1971 because of which our fishermen in Tamil Nadu are constantly arrested by Sri Lankan military.
  7. More than 100 varieties of medicinally useful cow breed has been lost because of indiscriminate cow slaughter.
  8. The population of Hindus which was 18 percent in Pakistan has been reduced to just 1 percent. The population of Hindus which was 27 percent has been reduced to 7 in Bangladesh. We refuse to take up the issue in any international forum on grounds of secularism.
  9. Any attempt to demand uniform civil code is fascism according to congressmen. There is continuous decline in Hindu population and to talk about it is fascism. 
  10. There has been mass murders and elimination of political opponents and lakhs of people have been killed in the then Soviet Union, china and the then East Germany.

To talk about all this is a taboo, undemocratic and fascist to congressmen and communists.
These are the standards of patriotism of so called freedom fighter congress and communists.
Do we need any external enemies?

Text Courtesy : K N Hiriyannaiah

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