Tuesday 16 February 2016

The story of Nachiketa

Nachiketa was undefiled, dispassionate, and knowledge-seeking soul. He went to the abode of Yama (the god of dharma/death vaguely) on the instructions of his father. There he waited for 3 days and 3 nights fot the arrival of Yama Dharma without food. His only intention was to meet Yama as told by his father. Yama, after having come to his abode, enquires of the condition of this yound lad Nachiketa. Pleased by his unparalleled determination, Yama asked Nachiketa 3 boons (Varas). He could have asked for never ending pleasures, wealth, power, and what not! 3 boons! Yet, desire did not cling on to this boy. His reverance to his father and his quest for knowledge over took the mind's inclination towards desires. Nachiketa first asked for peace for his father and himself. Yama agreed. Next, Nachiketa wished to learn the sacred fire sacrifice, which also Yama elaborated. For his third boon, Nachiketa asked to learn the mystery of what comes after death. Yama was reluctant on this question. He said that this had been a mystery even to the gods. He asked Nachiketa to ask for some other boon, and offered many material gains. Nachiketa though, was clear. He did not desire for material gains that lasted only till the morrow. He wanted that knowledge that lasted forever; that lasted even after the death of the mortal body. Ultimately, Yama Dharma had to given in. A boy of say 8-10 years of age challenged the great Lord Yama and won over him. He got instructed into that knowledge, which the gods themselves do not get the oppurtunity to learn. Such was his faith, such was his purity, and such was his determination! 

Moral: Anything can be achieved by faith, purity, and determination. 

smile emoticon(From the conversations of Yama and Nachiketa - Katha Upanishad)

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