Monday 15 February 2016

India First, Ideologies next, and persons last!

The Pappu parrot keeps on singing one song all the time - "Hum ladayi ladeinge". "Hum inkeliye ladayi ladeinge". "Hu, unkeliye ladayi ladeinge", "Hum sabkeliye ladayi ladeinge", blah...blah...blah... When you say ladayi (Struggle) that means your ladayi is for someone and against someone. In the pre-independent scenario, there were two classes of freedom fighters, one was the non-revolutionary peaceful brigade led by the Gandhi-Nehruvian mentality and the other was the revolutionary brigade consisting of Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Subhas Chandra Bose, and the like. Both the groups had made it a point to have a struggle for the Indians and against the British in their own true way. However, in the post-independent scenario the former brigade has lost its mind and the later is sane enough to understand that India is now a free Nation. Even today the leaders inspired by the Gandhi-Nehruvian struggle for freedom keep on chanting their mantra "Hum ladayi ladeinge". Unfortunately, when pappu parrot and all the other right honourable ISO certified politicians say "ladayi" (struggle), the struggle today is for the Indians and against the Indians. They are unable to digest that India is a free, Democratic, Soveriegn, Socialistic, Secular, and Republican nation. The comrades say that they fight for the cause of socialism and secularism, while both are imbibed in the Constitution itself. The Gandhi-Nehruvian brigade say that they fight for Democracy and for secularism. Even that cause is exhausted in realising that those principles are an integral part of the idea of India.
Nay, these politicians who are having a struggle have not yet realised that India is a Free country; they are still in the mentality of the "Opressed" though they live confortable lives enjoying the fundamental rights given by our Constitution.
In light of all these ladayis, let us realise one thing, India is a free and sovereign Nation. Its Unity and integrity is paramount. The idea of 'Ek Bharat, Shresht Bharat' is the cardinal force binding all of is. It was Ambedkar who said, "We are Indians Firstly and Lastly". Whatever be your ideology or struggle do not forget that your Indian first. Instead of indulging in unyielding struggles, we can positively contribute to the Nation by taking up some good causes. The struggle must be against poverty, against corruption, and against the societal evils. The struggle today has become thus, "Sanghi V/S Congi", "Sanghi V/S Comrade", and what not! We are failing to realise that may we be sanghis, congis, or comrades, but, we are Indians firstly. When the unity & integrity of India becomes paramount for all Indians, all the other idealogies loose their identity and fall at the feet of mother India.


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