Tuesday 16 February 2016

Positive Thinking : Sri Rama - The Ideal Man

We often tend to look into the negative things of life. We crib about not having got things as we desire. But the beauty of life lies in looking at the positive side of everything. Sri Rama was a perfect epitome of this character i.e he was able to witness the positive side of everything and about every person. 
Kaiyeki banished Rama from his kingdom, yet he worshipped her as his mother; Dasharatha yielded to the love for his wife over the welfare of his son, yet Rama was all praises for his father and vowed to carry out his wishes; Rama was offered half-eaten berries by Shabari, yet what he saw in it was her "Bhakti"; Hanumantha was 'after all' a monkey for the rest. but for Rama he was 'scholar, warrior, and a good friend'; and many examples come by in the Ramayana. His character reaches the Zenith when he goes to perform penance in repentance of having killed Ravana. This was defnitely not a folly. He had that quality to recognise, that something good existed even in Ravana. Out the 10 heads of Ravana that were severed, 1 head was that of "Wisdom and Bhakti", and severing that head was a mistake that Rama and Rama alone could see. That is why he is called "Purushottama" - The Greatest among men. 

Likewise in our everday life, we see 'good, bad, and the ugly'. We can see miserable things only with a miserable eyes. For beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. It is upto to us to acknowledge a good deed or to find a fault.
We see our ancesters viz Sri Rama through this case as a guiding light in our lives. 

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