Friday 20 May 2016

Krishna and Draupadi: The best example for friendship

Friendship is about sacrifice and not about selfishness. It is about standing shoulder to shoulder and about sharing the hardships of one another. The friendship of Krishna and Draupadi was unique in many ways. The best example for friendship was that of theirs. They always stood for the hardships of one another.

When Draupadi's honour was put to stake in the Kuru's palace Hall it was Krishna who came to protect her from the distant Dwaraka. The Kuru elders and not even her husbands, protected her during that embarrassing moment.

On another occasion, during the time of exhile of Pandavas, Durvasa muni along with his 100 disciples arrived to have food in the cottage of the Pandavas. During the time of their arrival the food in the Pandava's hut had exhausted. If not served with food, the angry Rishi would curse the Pandavas. Draupadi on this occasion too recalled Krishna, the Lord of the universe. Such was the power of Sri Krishna. He arrives and eats the only grain of rice left in the bowl (in the hut). Durvasa muni and the entire gang of his disciples felt that their stomach was full (with Krishna eating a grain of rice). They went away without eating anything at the Pandavas' hut; but blessed them before leaving.

On many such occasions, friendship had stood for sacrifice and sacrifice alone. Never did their friendship teach the lessons of selfishness. Therein their friendship stands for sacrifice. In them lies the best example of friendship. At a time when the word "friendship" finds a corrupted form today, their story serves as an inspiration was generations to come. 

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