Friday 3 March 2017

A befitting way to remember Guru Ji MS Golwalkar

Shri Gurumurthy addressing the audience

An exceptionally eloquent and scholarly lecture by Shri Gurumurthy ji was the best way to remember, and contemplate the life and teachings of Guruji Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar! At an event organised by “Manthana Bengaluru” at NMKRV Auditorium on 3rd March on ‘Sri Guruji Golwalkar and Contemporary India’, Shri Gurumurthy’s talk was an eye opener for many. The talk was constructed & navigated in an orderly and profound manner.
            At the outset Shri Gurumurthy ji informed that he would assess/analyse MS Golwalkar independently. With reverence one looks up to a person, and loses the ability to analyse him, he said. He beautifully added that unless one transcends both appreciation and critique, one cannot see the complete personality.
Here is a brief summary of various points covered by Shri Gurumurthy ji in his talk:-
Social Atmosphere and role of RSS at the time of Guru Ji
RSS was a socially admired organization, yet politically detested one (even today this stands true). The likes of Mahatma Gandhi, JP Narayan, Ambedkar, and other social leaders admired RSS. However, the political establishment always saw benefit in its opposition to RSS.  Typically, RSS had (has) an impact on politics, and not vice-verse. In such a scenario, with the political establishment being unfavorable to the thoughts and work of RSS, Shri Golwalkar built RSS Brick by brick.
Another interesting point brought about by Shri Gurumurthy ji was that the entire discourse on RSS was (is) based on criticism.
Poorva paksha: analyzing RSS by studying conflicting/divergent views
The discourse began with the study of RSS by Walter Anderson and Shridhar Damle. The course slowly moved towards the views of various men and organization in Guru Ji’s time on “Hindutwa” and “Hindu Nationalism”.  Shri Golwalkar took the reins of RSS in the 1939-1940. There was little or no difference of opinion between RSS thought and socio-economic-political thinking around this time (and before). Views of various men were mentioned as under:-
1.      Hyndman: Report on India of (1907) [From the Marxist Archives] quotes in its note:
“The quotations given and the facts adduced in the book (“Hindu Superiority” by Har Bilas Sarda) of more than 450 pages ought to silence forever the foolish and ignorant sneerers at Hindu inferiority”.
2.      Rajani Palme Dutt, an eminent socialist of those times informs through his Book “India Today”, that ‘the Vedas and Upanishads would have given India the same slogans (of freedom and independence) as the english education system. He belittled the criticism that only those Indian’s educated through the English education showed the spine to protest.
3.      In his 1934 book “Glimpses of World History”, Jawaharlal Nehru writes, “It is not easy to draw a line between Hindu Nationalism and True Nationalism”. Further Nehru mentions, “Swami Vivekananda preached eloquently the gospel of Hinduism. It was not anti-Muslim or anti anything. Yet it was Hindu (in all respects)”.
4.      In the book Hind Swaraj, Mahatma Gandhi says, “I hold this to be a mistake. The English have taught us that we were not one nation before and that it will require centuries before we become one nation. This is without foundation. We were one nation before they came to India. One thought inspired us. Our mode of life was the same. It was because we  were  one  nation  that  they  were  able  to  establish  one  kingdom. Subsequently they divided us.
5.      Both Gandhi and Nehru were in agreement that the “Power of assimilation (of conflicting thoughts/ideas) of people was the essence of our culture”. These views were no different from that of Guru Ji.
The Hindu Identity of India
Till 1940, there was a broad convergence of Hindu identity of India (among communists, Gandhians, RSS, and other organizations). The proposition that “Hindu idea is sectional and not wholesome” came after 1940. This was Post Muslim league passing resolution for a separate Muslim nation, and the ensuing politics, the thirst for power, the partition of the country in 1947 etc. In this changed scenario (that is a tectonic shift from convergence in the idea of Hindu identity to that of inferior Hindu identity/secularism) Guru Ji took over the reins of RSS.
RSS did not create the idea of Hindu Nationalism. It only asserted /defended it, because others deserted. This was the changed scenario in which Guru Ji had to head RSS, with new found challenges.
Fight against powerful establishments and popular opinion
In 1951, UN report on ‘Modern western anthropological model of development’ said that those who want to develop must leave their indigenous values, traditions, and all that is their own. Many scholars of this time were of the view that all societies would progress through the same stages to a modernity defined by the West.
Not just in the socio-cultural space, even in the politico-economic arena, the tide was against India and the idea of Hindu Nationalism.
Golwalkar the man with a mission
Shri Golwalkar was never arrested by the context. Despite all the opposition, and a demanding situation to face, Guru Ji always stood by the ideals of RSS and propogated its philosophy. Similar to a dissent note by a judge in a majority judgement, Guru Ji’s philosophy was that of dissent. It was a dissent that had the capacity to light the intellect of the future (and today we are a witness to the same). Philosophy of Dissent is a morale guide for the future.
Shri MS Golwalkar was guided by the “Power of idea” and “Purity of thought”.

Union of ideas and breaking the walls of lies
The views of Supreme Court of India later expressed on Hinduism, Hindutva, minorities, and related subjects have converged with that of Shri Guruji stated decades ago (Refer Hindutwa judgement of the Supreme Court). There is also a substantial convergence between the views of editors and scholars of The “Fundamentalism Project” of the Chicago University in US, and Guruji’s views expressed again decades earlier. Out of the five volumes of the book on “Fundamentalism” brought out by the “Fundamentalism project”, 300 - 350 pages figure about RSS. This study dispels the lies spread about RSS with regards to extremism and fundamentalism.
All of these are in convergence with Guru Ji’s idea of Hinduism and none speak about exclusiveness of Hinduism, but of its inclusiveness.

The idea of Bharat – Hindu Rashtra – Tolerant/accepting/peaceful culture
Guru ji always mentioned that Nation lives in the minds and hearts of the people.
India is a land of diversity and is full of rich traditions, and heritage. If you put India on one side and the entire world on the other, India has more diversity than the other. In India, we abuse Gods, play with Gods, and beat them up black and blue, and what not. All is acceptable; such is the level of acceptance. Also it is said that there are 33 crore Gods in our culture. Further, in each family everyone worships different Gods. By worshipping more than one God, naturally one becomes tolerant.
The idea of Hindu Rashtra:
a)      “Despite vivid diversity, our forefathers are one and the same”.
b)      The idea of assimilation of noble ideas, thoughts, and cultures is central to India’s life.

Guru ji’s magnanimous personality
In spite of constant abuses, Shri Guru Ji did not give up his patience and respect for opponents. There was one occasion were he reprimanded RSS swayamsevak’s for speaking bad about the then Prime Minister Pandit Nehru in a private conversation. He deeply regarded and respect even his political/ideological opponents. Besides, Pandit Nehru held the office of Prime Minister of India.
Guru Ji commanded respect even among his opponents. The Condolence given to Guru Ji by the Parliament of India, on his death, was led by the former PM of India and Congress leader Smt. Indira Gandhi.

Guru Ji – a visionary
            The greatness of man is measured by the re-occurrence of his words after his time.  On China Guru Ji told that ‘a new Confucian China will emerge out of Communist China with its empire building instincts intact.’ How true this holds today. His views on Pakistan was both funny and true. He said that Pakistan shall be a permanent irritant to the world.

Guru Ji’s message for the future
If we were to follow Guru Ji, then as a Nation we have to transform ourselves. We've developed a follower mentality; the need is to develop a leadership mentality. This is essential for us to lead the world i.e. become Vishwaguru. By doing so, we not only follow Guru Ji’s path, but also fulfill his dream of a “Parama Vaibhav Rashtra”. 

The audience

            Shri Gurumurthy Ji’s lecture was ever inspiring and the effect was seen by the Manthana Talks among people, post the conclusion of the event. The talk gave a renewed spirit to enthusiastic Swayamsevaks to carry forward the divine work of the Nation.

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