Wednesday 8 March 2017

मातृ दॆवॊ भव ...................... Salutations to the Mother!


     Whenever the word “Women” is uttered, spoken, or written, there is always this urge to give her the 50% share of the world (of men?). This is either out of audacity/ega, or a hauty attitude that wants to bestow upon her what is rightfully hers, or an inner feeling that rouses to than her (for something in return?). The feminine needs neither of this. She is absolute in herself. 
      Then the question of women’ right comes into picture. Deny the women of certain things that is rightfully due to her, then guise yourself in the mask of “Rights Activists” and voice for the women. Some of them do it genuinely; most of them become champions of women’s rights with selfish intentions.
      How many of us have thanked the mother since childhood? How many of us have ventures to fight for the rights of our mother? Have we ever found such a need? Why is it so, that all of womens’ day talk ventures around that beautiful young women who is either oppressed and needs “rights”, or needs to be motivated (through appreciations)?
      Yes! A times we see that women are oppressed! Sexually, domestically, socially, and what not! This again stems from inequality. Why do people always want to give a special status to women? Why at all the discrimination at the first place?
      Most of the discussion about women so far has been “Man” centric. Why should man restrict the women to 50% of all the things? Has mother nature drawn any line to demarcate and say that this half belongs to women (and the other to man)?
Leaving aside the nuances of men and the world, let me venture into seeing women as she is! I pray the divine mother to bless me to see her the way she is!
There are many attributes to a women. But the most beautiful thing about being a women is being a mother! If I were a rights activists I would venture into questioning – “Are women born only to beget?”! God bless all who think likewise. Does only a women who beget qualify to be a mother? It is more of the feminine than women herself. Does not the male sea horse nurse its child more loving than the female one? Is it not worthy of motherhood? Are not the hundreds of Gurus guiding millions of children in our schools to the light of knowledge, less motherly? A mother is the first Guru! A mother feeds her child with the milk of fer knowledge. Have not we seen before, that it was the mothers’ who shaped great men in this land (Bharat)? Jijabai shaped Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj; Bhuvaneshwari Devi molded Swami Vivekananda. Even among the lions, it is the lioness that hunts, the lion stands as a spectator!
I am venturing into a subtler aspect. It is not just enough to respect women. We must love and respect the “Feminine” in this world and the nature.
This land Bharat, has seen women guiding society in all walks of life. Gargeyi and Maitreyi, and others guided us through the light of their knowledge; Rani Durgavati, Rani Chennamma, and Jhansi Ki Rani lead us through their valour; Akkamahadevi and Meera Bai, and others showed us the path of Bhakti (devotion/surrendrance). We have also witnessed austere (Pativrata) women like Savitri. In the past, women have been rebalious and questioned their husbands like never before! Draupadi is the best example.
Even today we see the like of Maata Amrutanandamayi guiding the society through her spiritual vision. We are proud of our sisters and mothers in ISRO who have upheld Bharat name and fame in the world’s scientific field.
It is also said that this land (Akhanda Bharat) os the land of the Goddess herself; each of her body parts having fallen on various parts of this land. These places are called “Shakti Peetas” (Centers of power/energy). These are the power centers that drive Bharat.
We have seen all important things as mother. The rivers, the earth, and the nature herself is the divine feminine.
Whenever we say mother, she is witness to all! In her we see no exclusion! She can never be restricted or limited or concised to something. Any amount of thanksgiving cannot suffice! It is only gratitude and surrenderance!

There are many roles that a women plays, as a friend, sister, wife, mother, and what not! Let this idea be not male centric, for God’s sake! The mother shall bless you and guide you to the path of righteousness! She is the strength (Shakti) and is the source of all creation.  

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