Sunday 13 March 2016

World Cultural Festival - 2016

In 1893, the first ever "Parliament of the World's Religions" was held in Chicago. In that Religious Congress, every other religious or spiritual man that spoke, spoke only of the greatness of "his religion" and the greatness of "His prophet(s)". They said that their religion is the “only way”, their prophet is the “only guide”, and their book is the “only Holy book”. One Swami Vivekananda was the exception. The Indian monk spoke of "Religious Tolerance and "Universal Acceptance”. He called for the death of "Fanaticism" and the death of persecution by "Sword" and "Pen".

Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago

Well, even today the scenario has not changed. Imagine a "World Culture Festival" that would have been held in a place other than in India and by a monk other than an Indian. It would have been a platform for "Self-Glorification" and nothing else. They would have sung and danced in praise of their “Holy Book, Prophet, and their only God”. Here we see the Largest Democracy playing host to the "World Cultural Festival" and what do they ask for - "WORLD PEACE". Not to the least have we admonished another faith in the planet. A stage is set here for all faiths to get together. It is a celebration of all the cultures around the world for bringing humanity under one big platform.

While India celebrates "Unity", "Love", Peace", and "Humanity", we see across the world that men have taken up to arms in the name of "Religion" and in the name of "Freedom". This is squarely the reason why India should lead the world in this 21st century.


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