Sunday 6 March 2016


The word shiva means friendly, gracious, kind, or bliss. Shiva is always blissful and meditative. He is also "alpa trupta", He is satisfied by mere abhishEka of water and by offering of "bilwa patra" (bael leaves). He is an ultimate outlaw i.e. SmashANa VairAgi. He is also the king among dancers i.e. he is the best - naTarAja. His tAnDava nRutya is unparalleled among all forms of dances (it is said that he does it during deluge). He dwells in meditation from within while he dances without. When he sits upon to meditate, his inner self dances to the tune of the universe.

Today is mahAshivrAtri, the day shiva and sati (his other half) united. Sati represents the feminine power and shiva represents the masculine. The union of feminine & masculine is representative of the universal being/self. Hence Shiva in called the ardha nArIshwara (in the ardha nArIshwara is contained all that is in the universe).
Two most powerful methods of pleasing shiva today is through "upavAsa" and "jAgaraNa". In a lame man's understanding "upavAsa = fasting" and "jAgaraNa = keeping awake". Let's go to the roots and understand the inner meaning.
1. upavAsa - The word "upa" means "near" and "vasa" means "to dwell / to reside". Hence, upavAsa means to reside near Lord Shiva; it means to dwell upon him the whole day.
2. jAgaraNa - jAgaraNa or jAgRuti means "awareness", "consciousness" or "awakening". It simply means this day is not just of "wakefulness" but of "awakening"; the awareness of the reality (satya); being conscious of the reality within us (Ruta); awakening of the cosmic consciousness within and without (dharma).
Today is the day to meditate, to sing in praise of Lord Shiva, to dwell and contemplate upon him, to worship him, and to raise in Consciousness.

May the abhayankara grant us fearlessness;
May the shankara bestow prosperity upon us;
May the gangAdhara purify our lives like the holy ganga;
May the vishwEswara protect the whole of humanity and the universe.

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