Thursday 23 November 2017

Success: The story of Krishna and Karna

Image result for krishna and karna
Whenever life throws up difficulties and people scorn, we must remember the story of Krishna and Karna. Both Karna and Krishna faced immense difficulties and hardships since childhood. But one was influenced by the circumstances and the other strides the sea of life with a strong ship of will power. Once was without passionate and the other was filled with compassion. 
Karna and Krishna both did not see their real parents through the childhood. Both did not get the rightful opportunity of being Kings. Karna faced caste/class oppression. Krishna opposition within his community (the yadavas). There was a time when Krishna was declared a thief and an outcaste. He was constantly instigated by both Kouravas and Pandavas. Although Krishna helped Draupadi, she was upset that he couldn't stop all the bad things that happened to her, even though he is omniscient. 
Karna choose Duryodhan, the path of material pleasures. He sought the shelter of pleasures of life to suppress his depression. In the first case, Krishna was never depressed. Krishna chose the path of compassion. He was compassionate to all. Even till the last moment he talked of treatise with the Kouravas (during the war). 
Kunti, Gandhari, Draupadi, and finally his beloved friend Arjun all had their complains for Krishna.

Karna listened through his ears (sense perception). Krishna listened through the heart. 
 Say they drink because they are upset in life. So did Karna. He said Duryodhan is his friend because he gave him some solace in life. 
Now the choice in life is always open! Whether to succumb to situations of life and choose the path of pleasure? Or show love and compassion to others to do away with the hardships of life. Pleasures lead to more troubles than solve problems!  Love, compassion, and sacrifice leads to well being! One was killed (and become a villain although he had good qualities and was highly talented), and the other become the God!

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