Thursday 23 November 2017

Modi and Gandhi: A comparitive analysis of implementaion of Constructive Programme; Modi's success and Congresses failure

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     As I finished reading "Constructive Programme" of MK Gandhi, I feel more so than ever that Modi ji is more Gandhian than any Congressi. If you just glance through the contents of the "Constructive Programme", these are the very same programmes that Modi Ji is implementing with different names and nomenclatures.

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1. Khadi and village sanity was the priority areas for Gandhi ji. Modi ji has always been pushing for Khadi and under the Swatch Bharat Mission the Gandhian idea of Village Sanitation and Health & Hygiene takes forefront.

2. In so far as Communal Unity is concerned, Modi ji has done all that he can to please the minorities (at least in words). Gandhi Ji stressed on the need for "Hindu Muslim Unity" (Although he turned a blind eye to the Khilafat & Mopla/Mapilla Massacres; the current case needs no explanation).

3. Women empowerment is another area Gandhi Ji stressed upon. "Beti Bachao – Beti Padao ",” Mudra and various other schemes are but a remake of Gandhian thoughts.

4. Kisan: Now I will not agree that Agriculture is in the ideal state in our country now. Traditional natural farming is always the best and this Government is doing all that it needs to finish organic farming and establish mechanised, genetically engineered farming. Yet, Modi Ji is doing all that he can for the welfare of the farmers. The idea of “Krishi Bima Yojana”, “Krishi Sinchai Yojana”, etc is farmer friendly.

5. Adivasis: Although Gandhi ji's idea of "Adavasis" is pathetic, this thought on service of Adavasis is being followed tooth and nail by this Government. Many Tribal Welfare schemes have been launched under the leadership of Modi ji.

6. Economic Equality: Through Jan Dhan Yojana, Tax reforms, war on black money, all that Modi Ji is trying to do is to curb economic inequality.

7. Language policy: Gandhi ji voiced for equal importance and nurturing of local languages with Hindi being the central/National Language. The current Government under Modi Ji’s leadership is following the very same lines of Gandhi ji.

8. Education & Students" Gandhi ji's priority on education and students is the last in his Constructive Programme. Hence, we also see that Education is the last priority under Modi Ji's leadership. These are the words of Gandhi ji in his constructive programme, "I have reserved the students for the last". Also the beginning thoughts on education are a bit negative. Although education is last in priority, under this Government too, if there is any last moment big time reform, expect it from the educational sector.

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Modi Ji is, in fact, bringing into force/reality the Gandhian Philosophy that Congress failed to implement all these years. Gandhi Ji himself mentions in each chapter of his Constructive Programme that Congress has failed to implement his thoughts and ideas! Even today this fact remains.

The only difference between the Gandhian Philosophy and that of Modi ji, that I see, is in the “Non-Violent approach” when it comes to “National Sovereignty”. Gandhi Ji compromised “National Sovereignty” for the principles of “Non-Violence” and “Communal Unity” (When he agreed to the partition of Undivided Bharat on Communal lines). There is definitely a stark difference here! Modi ji will always keep “Sovereignty and National Interests” above other smaller ideals and principles.

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