Saturday 30 March 2019

An essay on fake theory of extreme Nationalism!

Many socialists and journalists often argue that Bharat is increasingly becoming intolerant. The opposition political parties too had joined into this campaign. Inter alia, their logic is that a sentiment of “extreme nationalism” is growing in this country!

This country has gone to the extent of labeling everyone who has a counter view. How can Nationalism or Patriotism be extreme? The soft term used in that place is “Constitutional Patriotism”. My question to all left liberals is quite simple, what do you mean by “Constitutional Patriotism”? :-

1. Does asking the Bharatiya Army for proof of every operation they carry on qualify for freedom of speech?
2. Does supporting corrupt netas who are out on bail mean “Constitutional Patriotism”?
3. Daily abusing a man who is committed to work for the Nation? - does it qualify for democratic values?
4. Does the principle of freedom of speech & expression allow any tom, dick and harry to abuse the office of the Prime Minister?

Then how does one show patriotism? There must be some standard! To honestly fulfill ones duty, to support the decisions & actions of our army, to work (& not just talk) for the welfare of farmers, to encourage scientific research that benefits the Nation, to stand firmly against corruption, to provide the appropriate ecosystem for economy to thrive, to encourage the true spirit of inclusiveness and the like quaify for Patriotism. If there is one man who is vehemently doing all these is Shri Narendra Modi Ji. Therefore, those who oppose him on every single issue are in fact “anti-Nationals” and not “constitutional patriots”.

There is a vast gap between difference of opinion and differences with a person himself. In the name of dissent, what we see is personal mudslinging that has slowly turned into Bharat hate.

Be sure, there is no such thing as extreme Nationalism. You are either Nationalist or anti-National. Choose where you stand.


Anup Vittal

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