Sunday 21 January 2018

Interstellar: A case evidencing that knowledge of West is slowly moving towards Vedanta

Recently I watched the movie “Interstellar” and I felt the same thing what many of you might have felt as you read this post, “Why this late?” Be rest assured that anybody who comprehends the movie will definitely be awestruck. Naturally, I too was! But what is interesting is that, the more profound the knowledge, creative thinking, and science of the west gets, the more closers it comes to the Hindu Philosophy. The finer the concepts of metaphysics becomes, the more closer it comes to the Vedanta.
The importance attached to the planet Saturn (शनि), in the movie, with regards to space time is deeply rooted in the Hindu thought.

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Apart from this, two other important aspects from the movie seem strikingly similar to Vedanta, Puranas, etc.
1. Life and age of beings on different planets of various solar systems, and galaxies:
One may say science knows this all along that every minute spend by any being on earth is more than or less than the very same minute to be spent on another planet. This influences the age or the lifespan. This phenomenon as I understand is chiefly due to varies rotation, and revolution cycles, which in turn is influenced by distance and gravity.
In the movie, 1 hour spent in an unknown planet is equal to 23 years of human life spent on earth. Such fantasies (who knows if it really exists) and many more are plentifully available in our Puranas.
The Puranas always said that the lifespan of higher beings in other Lokas (Planets/Galaxies or whatever you call it) are more than that of Humans. In the Bhagavata Purana for example, Pruthu Raja and his daughter spent just an hour in Brahma Loka, where the TretaYuga is complete and the New Dwapara Yuga is also under the verge of completion. So one hour in Brahma Loka plus the to and fro travel from earth takes almost 21,60,000 years of human life on earth. So many generations of human life goes extinct while one spends an hour in Brahma Loka. Many Hindu texts, including the Manusmruti record the concept of time from the rudimentary level through human life span, to that of Devatas, through again to the life span of Brahma.

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2. Metaphysics: Abstract concepts of space, time, gravity, etc.:
When the hero enters another dimension in the universe, he realizes that he himself is interacting with his own being/self in another dimension in which the earth exists. The hero says, “They have access to infinite time and space (in the 5th dimension), but are not bound by anything”. The concept of "Jnana" & "Vairagya" may also be observed here.

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The hero is unaware that he is not the one doing things. The voice says, “People could not build this (dimension beyond space time). It was them”. (The upanishadic concept of “तत्” is portrayed here). Everything is that! Thou art that! (तत् त्वम् असि|)

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Everything is his play (लीला).

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