Sunday 13 March 2016

World Cultural Festival - 2016

In 1893, the first ever "Parliament of the World's Religions" was held in Chicago. In that Religious Congress, every other religious or spiritual man that spoke, spoke only of the greatness of "his religion" and the greatness of "His prophet(s)". They said that their religion is the “only way”, their prophet is the “only guide”, and their book is the “only Holy book”. One Swami Vivekananda was the exception. The Indian monk spoke of "Religious Tolerance and "Universal Acceptance”. He called for the death of "Fanaticism" and the death of persecution by "Sword" and "Pen".

Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago

Well, even today the scenario has not changed. Imagine a "World Culture Festival" that would have been held in a place other than in India and by a monk other than an Indian. It would have been a platform for "Self-Glorification" and nothing else. They would have sung and danced in praise of their “Holy Book, Prophet, and their only God”. Here we see the Largest Democracy playing host to the "World Cultural Festival" and what do they ask for - "WORLD PEACE". Not to the least have we admonished another faith in the planet. A stage is set here for all faiths to get together. It is a celebration of all the cultures around the world for bringing humanity under one big platform.

While India celebrates "Unity", "Love", Peace", and "Humanity", we see across the world that men have taken up to arms in the name of "Religion" and in the name of "Freedom". This is squarely the reason why India should lead the world in this 21st century.


Sunday 6 March 2016


The word shiva means friendly, gracious, kind, or bliss. Shiva is always blissful and meditative. He is also "alpa trupta", He is satisfied by mere abhishEka of water and by offering of "bilwa patra" (bael leaves). He is an ultimate outlaw i.e. SmashANa VairAgi. He is also the king among dancers i.e. he is the best - naTarAja. His tAnDava nRutya is unparalleled among all forms of dances (it is said that he does it during deluge). He dwells in meditation from within while he dances without. When he sits upon to meditate, his inner self dances to the tune of the universe.

Today is mahAshivrAtri, the day shiva and sati (his other half) united. Sati represents the feminine power and shiva represents the masculine. The union of feminine & masculine is representative of the universal being/self. Hence Shiva in called the ardha nArIshwara (in the ardha nArIshwara is contained all that is in the universe).
Two most powerful methods of pleasing shiva today is through "upavAsa" and "jAgaraNa". In a lame man's understanding "upavAsa = fasting" and "jAgaraNa = keeping awake". Let's go to the roots and understand the inner meaning.
1. upavAsa - The word "upa" means "near" and "vasa" means "to dwell / to reside". Hence, upavAsa means to reside near Lord Shiva; it means to dwell upon him the whole day.
2. jAgaraNa - jAgaraNa or jAgRuti means "awareness", "consciousness" or "awakening". It simply means this day is not just of "wakefulness" but of "awakening"; the awareness of the reality (satya); being conscious of the reality within us (Ruta); awakening of the cosmic consciousness within and without (dharma).
Today is the day to meditate, to sing in praise of Lord Shiva, to dwell and contemplate upon him, to worship him, and to raise in Consciousness.

May the abhayankara grant us fearlessness;
May the shankara bestow prosperity upon us;
May the gangAdhara purify our lives like the holy ganga;
May the vishwEswara protect the whole of humanity and the universe.

Saturday 5 March 2016

What does Kanhaiya mean when he says LalKranti?

When #KanhaiyaKumar refers to #LalKranti, he means painting India with the red colour of Communism. On contemplation of the Communist history, you will realize that the colour "Red" represents "Blood". Wherever Communism has come to power, there has been "mass murders" by the State. Let's see one by one.
1. 1989, China: June 3–4 became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre or the June 4 Massacre as troops with assault rifles and tanks inflicted casualties on unarmed civilians. Lakhs of innocent, pro-democratic, peaceful protestor were massacred by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China.
2. Soviet Russia: Under the erstwhile Soviet Union (i.e., Russia today) the mass murders by State Oppression was the highest. More than 30,00,000 people were eliminated for "freely expressing" themselves. The notable assassination was the Katyn Forest Massacre under Joseph Stalin.
3. Communist Cuba: Under Fidel Castro an estimate of around 30,000 people have been executed for voicing their opinion against the communist establishment / regime.
.................................and the count goes on.

Now let us come to India. Here too, like their Chinese and Russian Brethren, the Comrades have been on an assassination spree. Unlike the purely socialistic regimes, here in India they have indulged in selective assassination. Though, the naxals (extremist ideology of Marxism & Socialism) have been brutally indulging in mass murders and are openly in war with the State of India. Let me put the statistics here:
1. 2007, Nandigram: 400 Naxalites attacked a Chhattisgarh police station, seizing arms and killing dozens.
2. November 2007, Nandigram: Over 650 deaths during the year; of these 240 were civilians, 218 security personnel and 192 militants.
3. June 29, 2010, At least 26 policemen killed in a Maoist attack in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.
4. Lakshmanananda Saraswati was killed by Naxalites in Odisha.
5. The Communist Parties have been systematically murdering the RSS Karyakartas in West Bengal & Kerala since long. [Recently Sujith was murdered in Kerala by CPI (M) workers]

According to various media reports (BBC, Al Jazeera, etc.) around 6,000-14,000 people have been killed in India in a span of 20 years (i.e. between 1995-2015).by various extremist off-shoots of Communism viz. Naxalism, Maoism, Marxism, etc.

Now the question is this, what do you mean by #LalKranti? Is it just "Egalitarianism" or is it "Cold Blooded murders"? Mr. Comrade Kumar must come clean on his proclamation of "#LaLKranti". Atleast, he must come clean on his views about naxalism, Maoism, Marxism, and other extremist ideologies of Communism in India.


The Story of Manu

Vaivasvata Manu is the manasa putra of Brahman, the Lord of the Universe or the creator so as to say. He is the 7th & the current progenitor of the human race (i.e. out of the 14 epochs, this is the 7th). You can vaguely claim this - 'The word "man" is a diluted form of the word "Manu" (or his descendant as such). He has written a book on "Dharma Shastra", namely the Manu Smruti! There is this Mythological Manu that comes in the Mahabharata & there is a historical Manu of the Dharma Shastras. There is a bit of confusion as to the date & whether the same Manu has written the Dharma Shastra. I will take into account that both were the same. Apart from this, Manu is believed to have carried the Saptarshis (7 Sages) and one representative each from all the living species, on a boat/ship to save life on planet earth during the "Great Floods" of the ice age (the story of matsyAvatAra - vishNu guides the ship as a big fish & Manu is the Captain of the ship) . There is a similar story in the "Epic of Gilgamesh" of the Sumerians/Babylonians. Further, the story of "Noah's Ark" from the Genesis (Bible) has a strikingly similar narrative. 

Manu carrying the Saptarshis on the Boat/Ship.

There is so much of Sanctity attached to the life of Maharshi Manu. We all owe to him, our very existence. We all live today, due to the great feat accomplished by Manu. Till today, his words guide us, through his teachings on Dharma, even 1000s of years after his exit from planet earth. Lest those who speak lowly of this great man, their names won't be heard even for a few years after death!
Over 10,000 years must have gone after Manu left this planet earth. What great powerful personality must be he, who is remembered even today after 10,000 (be it as a praise or as a curse).

Thursday 3 March 2016

An "Intolerant - Sanghi filled – Oppressive – Dictatorial - Hinduvadi - Anti Minority - Non rational" Nation asks questions to the Revolutionary Patriotic Comrades

Those who cried for Azadi in the JNU campus are a shame to names they take viz. Bhagat Singh & Ambedkar. The cry for Azadi, in light of the JNU outbreak, is inspired by none other than Jinnah. "Ham Kya mange Azadi, ham ladke lenge Azadi" is in very much in line with what Jinnah had to say in 1947; he said "has ke lenge Pakistan Ladke lenge Hindustan". So you know where the Cry for "Ladayi" and the Cry for "Azadi" comes from. The man who divided India still continues to inspire students in our campuses and they are his comrades of “Azadi”.

Kanhaiya Kumar speaks to fellow students after his release.

I shall now be specific to my address to Mr. Kanhaiyya Kumar the revolutionary Comrade. His so-called famous speech, after his release, in JNU is filled with hatred and blatant lies. Hatred for the Institution of the "Government of India", elected under the democratic process, and lies about Modi, RSS, and even socialism for that matter. I urge all to read this expose, especially those of my friends who revere comrades as revolutionaries (which they clearly are not). I shall counter point by point as to how Kanhaiyya Kumar says random things which has no connection whatsoever with “freedom of speech & expression’ (which they claim is their fundamental right).

1. Mr. Kanhaiyya Kumar opposes the Brahmanvad of the Upanishads and quotes the Mundaka Upanishad and says "satyamEva jayate". The Constitution itself draws the motto from the Mantra of Mundaka Upanishad. He either knows not what he is quoting or he simply draws quotes in support of his "random outbursts".
2. “JNU par hamla?” he says. Does it mean that JNU is outside India and the State of India is against JNU? So clearly the democratically elected Government of India, is attacking a territory outside of India viz. the JNU. Typically anti-democratic Commi mindset.
3. He openly opposes the office of Prime Minister of India and yet many call him the “Champion of Freedom Struggle’. They have forgotten that it is not the British that is ruling India, but Modi himself is a fellow India. Your so called "Ladayi' is against "your own countrymen" and not against "foreign rule".
4. "Whenever the Governments of this Nation has committed/promoted crimes, JNU has opposed its atrocities" - says the revolutionary.
Mr. Comrade, Where was JNU when the Anti-Sikh riots took place in the same capital city of Delhi? Where was JNU during the emergency under Indira Gandhi?
All very choosy & prejudiced protests and marches.
5. “I have hate towards none. But I hate BJP, RSS, and Modi.” So English problem? Prejudice? Hate / no hate? What do you call this?
6. “People talk of Soldiers and martyrdom. I salute the soldiers, but, are those soldiers their brothers or relatives to show sympathies?” - Comrade Kumar. (Referring to Parliamentarians who spoke for soldiers and against JNU)
Bravo! Well said my friend! The soldiers never see left/right/center. He protects all citizens unmindful of whether a man is his relative or not; whether a man is a Commi/Congi/Sanghi.
7. He said, “Some media men get their salaries from Nagpur.” (He said salaries from “them”. “Them” clearly means the “Sanghies” or say “from Nagpur”). What a shame to see such blatant lies being spread and people like sheep believe such baseless/air-filled loose talks.
8. He keeps on quoting Lenin and says he fights for “Freedom of Speech”. He vouches for socialism and talks of “Freedom of Expression”. Aye, the mass murders by state oppression under Communist China and Soviet Russia has been the highest; the communists have curbed “Freedom” the most. Thy communists become the preachers of “Freedom of Speech and Expression”. Well it is like a terrorist speaking for "Human Rights". (The Communists have been murdering RSS swayamsevaks in India since long. Further, the naxals are openly in war with the State of India. So these men [JNSU Students] either know not of the “Communist History” or if they know, they are lying to the Nation).
9. On one instance he says, “Ham Lad rahe hai mazdooron (Labour) aur garibonke (Poor) liye.” On the other instance he says, "Bechene valonka Sarkar nahi chahiye aur ham kisi aur Sarkar banayeinge”. He thinks Modi is not from a poor family (Modi was never poor, he never "Sold Tea" at Railway Stations). He clearly contradicts himself and talks of over-throwing this Government.
10. He equates Modi to Hitler. My friend Kanhaiyya, if Modi were a Hitler, you could not have said even a single word. You would have been in Gas Chambers by now. India respects what you feel and have to say and hence you roam free and are able to speak your mind.

These unmindful / half-baked people are allowed to speak in length and also get appreciation from some “elite intellectual, political, and mainstream media” men. Yet, they claim victimhood of “State Oppression”. I am failing to understand when Mr. Comrade Kumar is speaking so "Freely", he says "His Freedom is Speech is curbed". When the JNSU conducts solidarity march for a "terrorist" and we all tolerate this nuisance, they say “freedom of expression” is being curbed. So clearly we are an "Intolerant - Sanghi filled - Oppressive - Authoritarian - Dictatorial - Anti Ambedkar - Brahministic - Hinduvadi - Anti Minority - Non rational" Nation.
“We are fighting for the farmers and poor of this country and hence long live the fight against the Oppression of the State of India.”
So how many of you vouch for this real revolutionary patriot?

The cry must be to unite India against evil forces. Not for division in the name of "Freedom". These students and some elite politicians keep on saying, "You are with Godse, and we are with Gandhi. You are Brahmanvadi, we are Ambedkarvadi. You are right-wing extremism and we are the Constitutional Patriots". Let me tell you, there is no Sanghi/Congi/Commi. All these students must simply understand this one simply thing - 'that we are all just Indians and we are one.' The words of Ambedkar will be an apt conclusion here. He said, "We are Indians firstly and lastly". That must ideally be our guiding force and spirit.