Monday 1 April 2019

Candidate or Party: What matters this Lok Sabha Election?

In Bharat, we have adopted the “First Past the Post System” of Electorate. This means that in a particular constituency, the candidate who secures the highest votes is elected as the Member of Parliament or Legislative Assembly, as the case may be. So, in our Parliamentary democracy voter chooses his candidate! Candidate is an important factor in making the choice!

On the other hand, we have a multi-party system, where people can form political parties to field candidates representing their party. Each political party has its own ideology and vision of developing Bharat. The vehemence in politics, primarily comes from differences in ideology among political parties and not their fundamental drive to contribute to the welfare of Bharat (if they have such a thought)!

2019 Lok Sabha poll

In our country, the party (or allied parties of similar ideology) that secures more than 50% of seats can form the Government (whether in the State or the Centre). The person nominated by the party which secures more than 50% of seats becomes the Prime Minister. Effectively, the Lok Sabha elections is to choose the Prime Minister and also which party will lead the country.

So, is the candidate important or the party? Candidate becomes an important factor when the quality of individual candidature is high across all parties. We need intelligent and empathetic people to represent us so that they listen to the problems of people and also try their best to find solutions. In a case, where there is difficulty in choosing the best candidate, NOTA (none of the above) option is definitely not the solution. By choosing NOTA, the best candidate in the race is getting so much less votes and his chances of winning are being reduced to that extent.

In local body elections, the candidate becomes an important factor, as she / he must listen to our day to day problems. In Lok Sabha Elections, what matters the most are the security of the Nation (internal and external), our foreign relations (how world views Bharat), an ecosystem to encourage research and enterprises, overall economic performance etc. The Prime Minister and his council of Ministers play an important role here. Hence, the Political Party and its Prime Ministerial choice must be most critical scrutinized in Lok Sabha elections, rather than the Candidate. Although one feels a particular person is a good candidate and she / he does not choose the Prime Minister capable of heading our Nation, it will be a disaster for Bharat. Hence, the party and its leadership are two most important factors to consider while voting this Lok Sabha elections.

The future of our Nation depends on the kind of leadership it gets. Committed, Determined and Patriotic Political leadership can steer the Nation to greater heights! Hence, choose the party that has a decisive leadership; the leadership which motivates the people of this Nation to partner in governance and development; which is against giving freebies and making the population lazy; which is tough against the corrupt and the criminals; and which is uncompromisingly patriotic!
