Saturday 12 October 2019

Book Review: "Master & Pupil" by Anup Vittal

Life throws upon us many encounters & challenging situations. Further, there are so many things we are eagerly curious about. The author has tried to answer such daunting questions & expressed them in the form of a rejoinder. Questions like What is the purpose/goal of life?, What is anger / desire?, Questions on food & sleep, What or who is God (in my view)?, What is success & failure?, On Womanhood etc. This book is an honest effort to deftly express my views on vivid topics.

Life is full of curious questions. The questions are never ending. Very few have known the innate meaning of life; the truth! This earth is place where we have come to make ourselves stronger and better. Life brings in new situations, people and different turns. In the classroom of life, we learn more than we learn in our schools and colleges. Experiences are our teachers! There is no end to learning.The pupil within the author seems curious to know more; to experience more. The curious pupil always questions and sometimes laments about the state of situation(s). It is a package of void! The urge to know leads us to the answer. Every question is answer either by external guidance or through internal introspection. This book contains the answers to all those questions in life that the author has tried to address until now.

In this book, both the Pupil (Seeker) & the Master (One who answers) are the author's inner voice.
The master is both the tutor within and the Guru without.
This is a very short book. You can read this in your travel time, or before going to bed, or simply read it when you are bored to feel a bit motivated!

You may purchase your copy at: ""

For e-book, your may purchase at - "…/…/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_8aUMDbTB6ZT7Z"

(Note: No physical copies are available for purchase through Amazon. It can be read only on Kindle App / Device).

Interested people should definitely read this quick read book. 

Friday 3 May 2019

Keep your kids away from from Addictive Gadgets!

Most of us have this idea that children seeing TV, mobile phones etc often is harmful just to their eyes. Sorry, it is not so! Addiction to electronic gadgets at a small age is far more dangerous than just adding spectacles to the eyes.

A human life is born with abundance of something precious called as "Curiosity". Children are always curious about things around them! We have always wondered how our children catch conversations although they are engrossed in their own world playing with their toys. The immense curiosity to know the world around, and also the kind of attention they can give to anything around them, is just amazing! Immense curiosity and high level of attention, these are the treasures of children. It reduces gradually due to prejudices and mental disturbances.

Now watching TV, mobile etc kills both curiosity and attention. The cartoons give them ready made answers to all situations. The possibility to explore new terrains in diverse situations is simply gone! Just because "Chota Bheema" eats laddus or "Shiva" rides a bicycle, they want it. There choices are influenced by the character on screen. Further, they are always attentive to one particular show on screen and their ability to keep attention on diverse activities in their surroundings is thwarted.

World Health Organization (WHO) has recently made an interesting observation that lack of physical activity reduces sleep and thereby impacts health of infants. It is time to take parenting more seriously, as a responsibility, rather than facing it as and when situations arise.
Holistic view is needed. Our ancient art of parenting must be revived. There is a famous adage in Kannada which translates as - "The child restricted to a room / house rots; whereas the child that plays (in mud, in streets, in park) flourishes!"

It is not just the eyes; don't kill your child's potential. Bring him up with care and with responsibility! Choose games over gadgets for your child!


Link for reference:-

Monday 1 April 2019

Candidate or Party: What matters this Lok Sabha Election?

In Bharat, we have adopted the “First Past the Post System” of Electorate. This means that in a particular constituency, the candidate who secures the highest votes is elected as the Member of Parliament or Legislative Assembly, as the case may be. So, in our Parliamentary democracy voter chooses his candidate! Candidate is an important factor in making the choice!

On the other hand, we have a multi-party system, where people can form political parties to field candidates representing their party. Each political party has its own ideology and vision of developing Bharat. The vehemence in politics, primarily comes from differences in ideology among political parties and not their fundamental drive to contribute to the welfare of Bharat (if they have such a thought)!

2019 Lok Sabha poll

In our country, the party (or allied parties of similar ideology) that secures more than 50% of seats can form the Government (whether in the State or the Centre). The person nominated by the party which secures more than 50% of seats becomes the Prime Minister. Effectively, the Lok Sabha elections is to choose the Prime Minister and also which party will lead the country.

So, is the candidate important or the party? Candidate becomes an important factor when the quality of individual candidature is high across all parties. We need intelligent and empathetic people to represent us so that they listen to the problems of people and also try their best to find solutions. In a case, where there is difficulty in choosing the best candidate, NOTA (none of the above) option is definitely not the solution. By choosing NOTA, the best candidate in the race is getting so much less votes and his chances of winning are being reduced to that extent.

In local body elections, the candidate becomes an important factor, as she / he must listen to our day to day problems. In Lok Sabha Elections, what matters the most are the security of the Nation (internal and external), our foreign relations (how world views Bharat), an ecosystem to encourage research and enterprises, overall economic performance etc. The Prime Minister and his council of Ministers play an important role here. Hence, the Political Party and its Prime Ministerial choice must be most critical scrutinized in Lok Sabha elections, rather than the Candidate. Although one feels a particular person is a good candidate and she / he does not choose the Prime Minister capable of heading our Nation, it will be a disaster for Bharat. Hence, the party and its leadership are two most important factors to consider while voting this Lok Sabha elections.

The future of our Nation depends on the kind of leadership it gets. Committed, Determined and Patriotic Political leadership can steer the Nation to greater heights! Hence, choose the party that has a decisive leadership; the leadership which motivates the people of this Nation to partner in governance and development; which is against giving freebies and making the population lazy; which is tough against the corrupt and the criminals; and which is uncompromisingly patriotic!


Saturday 30 March 2019

An essay on fake theory of extreme Nationalism!

Many socialists and journalists often argue that Bharat is increasingly becoming intolerant. The opposition political parties too had joined into this campaign. Inter alia, their logic is that a sentiment of “extreme nationalism” is growing in this country!

This country has gone to the extent of labeling everyone who has a counter view. How can Nationalism or Patriotism be extreme? The soft term used in that place is “Constitutional Patriotism”. My question to all left liberals is quite simple, what do you mean by “Constitutional Patriotism”? :-

1. Does asking the Bharatiya Army for proof of every operation they carry on qualify for freedom of speech?
2. Does supporting corrupt netas who are out on bail mean “Constitutional Patriotism”?
3. Daily abusing a man who is committed to work for the Nation? - does it qualify for democratic values?
4. Does the principle of freedom of speech & expression allow any tom, dick and harry to abuse the office of the Prime Minister?

Then how does one show patriotism? There must be some standard! To honestly fulfill ones duty, to support the decisions & actions of our army, to work (& not just talk) for the welfare of farmers, to encourage scientific research that benefits the Nation, to stand firmly against corruption, to provide the appropriate ecosystem for economy to thrive, to encourage the true spirit of inclusiveness and the like quaify for Patriotism. If there is one man who is vehemently doing all these is Shri Narendra Modi Ji. Therefore, those who oppose him on every single issue are in fact “anti-Nationals” and not “constitutional patriots”.

There is a vast gap between difference of opinion and differences with a person himself. In the name of dissent, what we see is personal mudslinging that has slowly turned into Bharat hate.

Be sure, there is no such thing as extreme Nationalism. You are either Nationalist or anti-National. Choose where you stand.


Anup Vittal

Thursday 21 March 2019

Essay: The Theory of Jobless Growth Busted

The opposition parties in Bharat with the backing from a handful of economists are ranting about the theory of jobless growth. This idea of jobless growth was first mooted by renowned economist and political analyst Shri Gurumurthy. Every theory has a reference, be it time or place or context. The theory of jobless growth was applicable to the UPA era (2004-2014) and evidences suggest the same. There is no place & time context nor evidence to support this theory for the NDA government of 2014-2019. This proposition that I am making is not singular and Prejudiced; but I will prove that this is a theory that is completely irrelevant to the current period of NDA Government.

          Let me simplify the two terms before going into the details. Firstly, Growth means economic growth i.e. in terms of wealth creation. Second, jobs refer to generation of employment in the nation.

          As per modern economics, there are two sectors in any economy. One is called the organised sector where Enterprises are fully regulated by government. The other one is the unorganized sector where small and medium scale Enterprises have their own clusters and business hubs not regulated or less regulated by the Government. Some of the examples for the organised sector are the multinational companies, registered firms, individual Enterprises registered under local authority, society’s etcetera. The local Kirana shop, panipuriwala, the barber, small farmers, cottage industries, a few small scale industries, Dhaba and darshini hotels, local pawnbrokers, handicraft Enterprises, women self-help groups, panwala,  local transport businesses viz. boats running in Ganga river, village bus services etcetera, dhobiwala, Dabbawala, Pujari & even chowkidars and many more are all part of the unorganised sector. In Bharat, unorganised sector forms the major chunk of the economy. The wealth generated in the unorganised sector is much more than the organised sector.

          According to NCEUS report estimates, in 2005 out of the 458 million persons employed in India, about 86 percent or 395 million worked in the unorganised sector, generating 50.6 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). These are surveyed figures. Countless Kirana shops, thelas, itinerants etc go uncounted and do not form part of GDP computation.

          The 2004-2010 economics of UPA focused on the formal organised sector. That is the way in which the economy was viewed by the then UPA Government. Even today they are seeing the economy in the same lense. No doubt, the white collared jobs in organised sector too have increased. But, since 2015 the opportunities of self-employment and enterprise have grown big like never before. Let us now look in detail as to how some of the schemes of Modi Sarkar have benefited the people of this Nation including youth in becoming “Job Creators” rather than “Job Seekers”.

Udyog Aadhar Data

          In July 2018 Question Hour in the Parliament, the Honourable Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in reply to a question posed regarding MSME tabled in Parliament reported that 48,39,549 MSMEs have been registered under the Udyog Aadhar Scheme. As on today (21.03.2019) the figure is around 64,20,489 (as per Udyog Aadhar website). This statistics is for the period starting from September 2015 to March 2019. In MSMEs if we assume that atleast 2 people are employed in each of this registered enterprise then 1,28,40,978 people are employed from the MSME sector apart from those 64,20,480 who are entrepreneurs themselves (self-employed).

          While presenting the Interim Budget 2019-20 in Parliament, the then Union Minister for Finance, Shri Piyush Goyal said that through Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, over 1 crore youth are being trained to help them earn a livelihood.

Mudra Scheme

          The Mudra scheme started under the Modi Sarkar gives loans to every small entrepreneur and people from weaker sections of the society and especially women have benefited the most from this scheme. As on 1st February, 2019 under MUDRA Yojana, 15.56 crore loans have been disbursed amounting to Rs. 7,23,000 crore. So, effectively at least 15.56 crore people have been benefited by this scheme.

Start Up India

          As per the Start Up India data around 3,09,770 new companies and firms have be registered under the Startup India Scheme. Even if a nominal number of 10 people employed in a start up company is considered, a total of 30,97,700 employment has been generated.

Stand Up India Scheme

          Government of India launched the Stand Up India scheme on 5th April, 2016. The Scheme facilitates bank loans between Rs.10 lakh and Rs.1 crore to at least one Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe borrower and at least one Woman borrower per bank branch for setting up Greenfield enterprises. This enterprise may be in manufacturing, services or the trading sector. The scheme which is being implemented through all Scheduled Commercial Banks is to benefit at least 2.5 lakh borrowers. Another 15 lakh - 25 lakh employment may have been roughly generated here.

          Apart from the above schemes, programmes like "Make in India" has generated lakhs of employment, especially when cell phone manufacturing companies have set up many of its manufacturing units in Uttar Pradesh and around the National Capital Region. 


         My rough estimate based on above data says around 20 crore employment has been generated under the Modi Government in the last 5 years i.e. 4 crore jobs per annum.
          Therefore, the theory of jobless growth is complete bogus, baseless and biased. Self-proclaimed economists & experts in the opposition parties must keep their lips stitched or tender apology for lying in public.

Anup Vittal
Reference Links:-
1. Udyog Aadhar Scheme
2. Full report of NCEUS (National Commission for Enterprises in the Un-organised Sector) - ""
3. Press Release by Public Information Bureau on "Mudra Yojana" & skilling of youth - ""