Tuesday 16 August 2016

A tribute to the Paramahamsa on his Punya Tithi

The word Paramahamsa means, "Ascetic of the highest order". Among such ascetics was a unique gem from Bengal Sri Ramakrishna. Today is the Punya Tithi of the great soul Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He lived a life of a Yogi and lived all his life serving his mother 'Goddess Kali'. His only motive of life was to serve Kali. He lived entire life worshipping her and meditating upon her. He saw her as the mother; the almighty mother of the Universe. He lived as an example to many ascetics. He was also the Guru of Swami Vivekananda. It took a Paramahamsa to recognize a "Vivekananda" in an ordinary boy called "Narendra". 

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

His quotes are all inspirational and motivational. Anybody who wishes to make a turnaround in their lives must read the sayings, words, and stories of Sri Ramakrishna. 

He lived a difficult live; both in terms of physical health and also the material comforts that he could afford. He lived a simple live with barely anything to eat for himself or his own wife "Sharada Devi". During his closing days, he severely suffered from throat cancer. Yet, his ailment did not deter him from continuing on his path of service, and that of spirituality. He gave away in alms, whatever he got. He kept only what was necessary for his survival, Even at the trying times of throat cancer he took no medicine or treatment. He saw everything as the prasadam of "Mother Kali'. 

The famous Belur Math and the Ramakrishna Mission was founded by his pupil Swami Vivekananda in honour of his master. Even today, Ramakrishna lives amongst us as an ideal. He is an epitome of surrenderance (to the God), sacrifice (of worldly things), and substance (of how to live life to its fullest potential). He realised the ultimate truth during his life time and also had the fortune of having the darshan of Goddess Kali. 

A photo og Belur Math and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

May his life and ideals motivate us to do the right and just things in our lives and also help us to contribute positively to the society in our own ways.